Uppsala universitet

Improved Loudspeaker-Room Equalization for Stereo Systems Regarding Channel Similarity.

Adrian Bahne , Lars-Johan Brännmark, and Anders Ahlén

IEEE/IET International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing, ICALIP2012 , Shanghai, China, 16-18 July 2012, pp. 254-259.
DOI: 10.1109/ICALIP.2012.6376621
© 2012 IEEE

In this paper, a new approach to robust single-channel loudspeaker - room equalization for stereo systems based on psychoacoustic insights is presented.

Traditionally, in single-channel equalization each channel is equalized individually according to a desired target. In case the target cannot be reached for at least one of the two channels, this approach results in different loudspeaker - room transfer functions of the two channels at the listening position.

However, reproducing the intended sound image of stereo recordings requires equal acoustic transfer functions from the input to the two loudspeakers to the listening region. In this paper we aim not only at equalizing the individual channels according to a desired target, but also at explicitly requiring symmetry between the two channels of a stereo system.

To this end we propose a two-channel similarity SIMO controller structure, which is an extension to an earlier approach by the authors. The new approach is evaluated based on measurements in a room and is found to reduce differences between the room transfer functions of the two channels in both frequency and time domain.

Related publications:
PhD Thesis by Adrian Bahne

Later Paper in IEEE SP 2013 on symmetric loudspeaker-room equalization utilizing a pairwise channel similarity criterion.

Paper in IEEE TASLP 2013 on compensation of loudspeaker-room responses in a robust MIMO control framework.

| Audio research at Signals and Systems | Main entry in list of publications |
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